Many patients need oxygen in Yangon. Posts asking for help on social media, asking for buying oxygen make me sad...
Read moreDetailsMany dead bodies around Myanmar because of Covid. The military council does not know how to handle this. These days,...
Read moreDetailsIn Yangon, the need for oxygen immediately increased due to Covid. Hospitals do not accept more patients, so home caregivers...
Read moreDetailsCovid crisis arrived in Yangon overnight. In the past, it was not so obvious, but now the hospitals are full...
Read moreDetailsThere have been a series of explosions at electricity offices in some townships. The military council forced to pay electricity...
Read moreDetailsTelenor, a telecommunications operator, is set to leave the Myanmar market. A Lebanese-based company has been sold at a lower...
Read moreDetails7 JULY strike was celebrated in several cities across the country. It was a day of protests. Representatives of the...
Read moreDetailsThe rate of Covid crossing has skyrocketed in just a few days. Today it is over 3,000. In percentage terms,...
Read moreDetailsSome international food and fashion outlets are closing down. Even telecom operator Telenor is rumored to be returning. Hundreds of...
Read moreDetailsThe underground protester’s strategy to clean the ward administrator improved from the beginning of this month. At least five people...
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