Security forces beat, arrest people for holding vigil in Bago Region
Seven people were abused by armed personnel following the candlelit ceremony. A candle lighting ceremony held to pay tribute to...
Read moreDetailsSeven people were abused by armed personnel following the candlelit ceremony. A candle lighting ceremony held to pay tribute to...
Read moreDetailsStrike without people campaign in Nyaung Shwe, Shan State on March 12. Photos >>>> Credit
Read moreDetailsDozens of protesters, including women and young students, were subjected to brutal treatment following a crackdown on Tuesday “They took...
Read moreDetailsA high school principal and two labourers are arrested at the entrance to Minhla town for alleged involvement in the...
Read moreDetailsThe highest death toll was in Myaing in Magway region, where until Thursday police had refrained from shooting protesters At...
Read moreDetailsKo Kyaw Htet is a frontline member of a protest group that has been gathering each day in Yangon’s Sanchaung...
Read moreDetailsThe eviction ended an early-morning raid in Yangon on staff housing where most workers had joined the Civil Disobedience Movement,...
Read moreDetailsToday there was a great deal of bloodshed in my homeland. At least 12 people had been killed and more...
Read moreDetailsThe steps taken by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Representative Committee (CRPH) has been accelerating these days. After the death of 23...
Read moreDetailsYesterday there were killed 23 people across the nation because of military shelling out with live ammunition. But today there...
Read moreDetailsYou can copy without credits to our site. We Need Freedom.