Due to the rampant insurgency in the area around China's Wangpao copper project, local defense groups have launched counterattacks. The...
Read moreDetailsAn explosion occurred in an apartment building in Yangon's Yuzana Garden City. Two youths who were members of the urban...
Read moreDetailsSupporting PDFs for insurgents burning villages; PDF has nothing to do with living with family members. This is because the...
Read moreDetailsThe military council is setting fire to the villages around Leptaung Mountain where the Chinese copper projects are located. Civil...
Read moreDetailsPeople's leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is being prosecuted and ordered by the Military Council. Now she has been...
Read moreDetailsAfter the ban on riding motorcycles in Thanyin last month, now the southern townships of Yangon such as Twan Tay,...
Read moreDetailsIn Rakhine, the AA and the military council are holding competitive arrests. The military council has been strict in Rakhine...
Read moreDetailsRebels ambushed a car carrying PDFs in Pwong Phyu Township, killing about 12 PDFs people in the car and losing...
Read moreDetailsNUG held a press conference. What they said is that the revolution will accelerate soon. It has actually been said...
Read moreDetailsNUG has announced that it will launch NUG PAY, which will become its own currency. As NUG PAY is a...
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