Spring Revolution Strike marched all over the country in an uproar. It can be said to be the busiest day...
Read moreDetailsAt around 10 pm tonight, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Representative Committee released an interim public administration plan. As a citizen, I...
Read moreDetailsThe military dictatorship resumed its shootings. Videos of brutal killings of peaceful protesters in Mandalay have uploaded on Facebook. These...
Read moreDetailsIn Mandalay, the military regime shot and killed civilians. Some of the People in Kachin state are being hunted and...
Read moreDetailsYesterday, the whole country protested, so today we think there will be less people than yesterday. But there was no...
Read moreDetailsIt is considered as the day when the whole country goes out. The military dictatorship expected the protests to gradually...
Read moreDetailsSome forms of protest have been different. In Hledan and Sule, there are no longer crowded as before. We worried...
Read moreDetailsOne of their new steps is welcoming the morning. Money was withdrawn from the Myanmar Economic Bank. The military dictators...
Read moreDetailsThe army began a step. Today is Valentine's Day. All over the world lovers are happy, but couples in Myanmar...
Read moreDetailsAll night long, like the thunder let out its booming, deafening roars. I didn't sleep well last night. The junta...
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