As far as we know about the forced porter arrests, the military council has ordered young people between the ages of 18 and 35 to serve in the military, so the military council’s recruitment department has sent a list of young people in that age group to the military. From these lists, every month, ward and village administrators randomly select the young people who are eligible without informing anyone, and they go to their homes and arrest them. For young people, even if they don’t win to serve this month, they can win next month without even knowing it. Those who are selected by lot are banned from traveling. If they escape, they will have to face the consequences for their families.
Therefore, young people in the country are trying to evade the military draft in various ways. Those who can afford it avoid the nearest country, Thailand. Even so, if they leave the airport for Thailand, they have to pay tens of thousands of baht in airport fees. Those who can’t afford it avoid the streets. Although it is dangerous, getting a job in Thailand is much more convenient than staying in Burma. For the lower class, the youth would do well to avoid the areas controlled by the revolutionary forces, where the military council has no influence, before the elections. Being dragged by the porters is like walking on the road to death. Many new recruits have died in the fighting. If you cannot avoid it, you will end up paying for the military council with your life.