At the Reuters Next Leadership Summit and Global Broadcast organized by Reuters, NUG Interim President Duval Sheila gave a speech. In his speech, he talked about meeting with the military council. NUG has opened the way for dialogue with the side army. But there are preconditions.
(1) Killing people must stop immediately.
(2) The military must guarantee its withdrawal from politics.
(3) The 2008 Act must be abolished.
(4) Do not interfere with international humanitarian aid.
(5) International intervention must be accepted.
He said that if the military side accepts the points, they will meet and discuss.
The event was attended by international leaders such as the Prime Minister of Canada, Prime Minister of Lithuania Japanese Foreign Minister IMF Managing Director; President of the World Bank Since he attended the event, everything he said could have some effect. This is the first time that NUG has spoken about the negotiations.