The Military Council
- The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said that rice production per acre of paddy field did not meet expected amount and thus, the expectation was not fulfilled in terms of export. During the tenure, respective ministries were to carry out their tasks systematically.
- The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said that to resume operation of state-owned factories, evaluations must be made on raw materials and access to market. The products must also be of quality standard.
- According to the military junta, the management authority of regional government, contained in Chapter (8) of the law on Ayeyarwaddy Regional Freshwater Fishery adopted in 2018, was withdrawn.
- The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said that the State’s fund must be spent effectively and efficiently by reducing the amount for superficial things.
The National Unity Government (NUG)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs-NUG announced that for the public’s interest, they blacklisted the first batch of the junta staff members who oppressed CDM ones. They also gave a strong warning to them.
- Ministry of Health-NUG raised public awareness on first aid.
- With regard to emergency planning, there was a discussion between the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children, and Ministry of Human Rights. Reportedly, their future plans included recording human rights violations of the military junta as crimes, reporting those crimes to international organizations, providing humanitarian assistance to the public during conflicts, emergency response plans and raising awareness on human rights.
- Ministry of Women, Youth and Children-NUG announced that the Alliance of Women was officially established with young women who had been participating in various protests, to uproot the military dictatorship and build a new nation of federal democracy with the participation and leadership of women.
- On Wednesday, 100 members of Taninthayi Defence Force joined the southern headquarters of the Ministry of Defence-NUG.
Revolution Activities
- On Wednesday, a rally of Mandalay youth marched against the military dictatorship.
- On Wednesday afternoon, Mandalay Monks’ Union expressed their desire for the downfall of the military dictatorship, chanting “We must win the battle to uproot the military junta”.
- At about 12:50 pm Wednesday, unknown people threw a bomb at No. (6) police station in Aungmye Thazan Township.
- According to local residents of Sintku Township, there were bomb explosions at administration offices and houses of administrators at about 4:00 pm Tuesday.
- In Mandalay, a rally of LGBTIQ marched against the military watchdog on Wednesday.
- On Wednesday, Mandalay Monks’ Union led an anti-junta movement, reciting Parittas.
- In Mandalay, a rally of multi-ethnic people made a protest on Wednesday, “Unity of the mountains and the mainland”.
- According to a local PDF, there were three battles in Taungpyaut area of Thayetchaung Township on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the junta army gathered their manpower.
- In Longlone Township, young people led a march against the military watchdog on Wednesday.
- In Shwebo Township of Sagaing Region, an unknown armed group opened fire at the houses of USDP members in Nyaungkai village at about 1:00 am Wednesday. According to local residents, 3 people died and 3 others were injured.
- In Monywa, there was a protest against the military watchdog on Wednesday.
- In Salingyi Township, Latbadaung Taung General Strike expressed their objection to the military dictatorship on Wednesday.
- On Tuesday night, local PDF destroyed a military-owned MyTel telecom tower by mine explosion near Nagama mountain on Pale-Gantgaw road in Pale Township.
- At about 10:00 pm Tuesday, military-owned MyTel telecom tower was destroyed by explosion in Thitseibinhla village in Tantsi Township.
- On Wednesday morning, local residents went around a village in Shwebo Township and expressed their desire for supporting the NUG as well as for the end of the military dictatorship.
- On Wednesday morning, Kalay people marched against the military watchdog.
- According to PDF Kalay, they attacked the junta armed forces by mines between Kyaukphu village and Donwe village at about 12:00 pm Tuesday. Reportedly, 4 junta soldiers died and 10 others were injured.
- On Tuesday night, Pauk PDF destroyed a military-owned MyTel telecom tower by burning near a village in Pauk Township of Magwe Region.
- In Dimawso Township of Kayar State, the junta armed forces destroyed and set fire to the houses in Sanpya (6) village on Tuesday.
- According to PKPF, Ma Jazinda, 8-year-old girl, died in a motorbike accident at about 7:00 pm Tuesday while she had been running away for refuge as the junta armed forces in Dimawso police station opened fire with mortars.
- On Wednesday, KNDF announced that they had already made up their mind to uproot the military junta. Therefore, battles would get more severe in Kayar (Karenni) State. They also called on grassroots level armed forces to join them before it was too late.
- In Paungti of Bago Region, a bomb was thrown into the house of 100-household leader in Kannge village on Tuesday night. According to local residents, 2 people died and 5 others were injured in the explosion.
- In Pekone Township of Shan South, a convoy of 5 military trucks was attacked with mines by Pekone PDF between Konesone village and Puchel village at about 9:30 pm Wednesday. Reportedly, a military truck was damaged and there were exchanges of fire for 30 minutes.
- On Wednesday, there were bomb explosions all across Yangon, including Asia World jetty, Thamai traffic-lights, South Dagon and Dagon Seikkam.
- On Tuesday night, there were bomb explosions in North Okkalapa, South Dagon, Tontay, Thaketa and Insein townships.
- Yangon Urban Guerrilla (YUG) announced that they would sacrifice their lives in the fight against the military junta after the NUG declared a state of emergency in the country on Tuesday. They also called on the public to brighten their corner together with the revolution forces.
- On Wednesday afternoon, Hlaingthaya Guerrilla Force attacked Police Force (9) on the highway through remote bomb explosions. Reportedly, 3 junta police were seriously injured.
- In Ngaputaw Township of Ayeyarwaddy Region, the junta armed forces raided Thityaung village at about 8:00 am Wednesday and arrested two villagers, accusing them of being PDF members. They also beat them during their interrogation.
- In Zabyu Thiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw, two male motorbikers threw a grenade into the administration office of Shwekyabin Ward at about 5:30 pm the previous day.
- On Wednesday, Mawlamyein youth led a protest against the military watchdog.
- In Hakha Township of Chin State, there were exchanges of fire between the junta army and an unknown armed group at about 9:00 pm Tuesday. According to local residents, a civilian was hit with a bullet.
Ethnic Armed Organizations
- On Tuesday, KSCC gave a warning to the business people in Kayar (Karenni) State to stop their activities in cooperation with the military junta. They would take action against those who fail to do so.
- On Wednesday morning, 73rd Karenni Martyrs’ Day was held at Karenni Army headquarters.
Summary on 8th September
- As most foreign investors left the country after the coup, the military junta had very few sources of income in foreign currency. Therefore, they made arrangements to make money from the agriculture and livestock sector. They also amended the fishery law so that the central administration could control the current source of income. Thus, the region could no longer manage all the money earned from fishery sector. Consequently, top leaders would make direct controls to foreign investments in fishery sector. Like before, they might prioritize their self-interest rather than the interest of the country.
- Throughout the country, there were more activities of guerrilla revolution, rather than public protests. In Mandalay, various rallies protested against the military dictatorship. As for Sagaing, they had armed revolution all over the region. In other states and regions, there were activities of guerrilla revolution.
- In Dawei, there were battles between KNU forces and the junta armed forces. It was a new fighting area between them after the announcement of the NUG. In Kayar (Karenni) State, there were frequent battles between the junta army and a combined force of KA+KNDF.
Source: Mizzima