February 28, 2021 (Sunday)
Milk Tea Alliance Day! It was a day when tea-drinking friends in six countries, including Myanmar, protested for Myanmar(Burma). I...
Read moreMilk Tea Alliance Day! It was a day when tea-drinking friends in six countries, including Myanmar, protested for Myanmar(Burma). I...
Read moreThe military's violent crackdown on peaceful protesters that began yesterday has intensified today. This crackdown in Yangon, Mandalay, Monywa, Myeik....
Read moreWe had great reliance on Dr Sasa, the Special Envoy to the United Nations. But tonight was a complete surprise....
Read moreIt has been a very unlucky day since morning. The gypsy group, which claims to be pro-military supporters, had been...
Read moreI made an appointment with my office colleagues and come to protest today. A total of 8 people contribute to...
Read moreWhen I woke up today, I thought about yesterday. Yesterday, the 22222 uprisings were reported in the world news as...
Read moreSpring Revolution Strike marched all over the country in an uproar. It can be said to be the busiest day...
Read moreAt around 10 pm tonight, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Representative Committee released an interim public administration plan. As a citizen, I...
Read moreThe military dictatorship resumed its shootings. Videos of brutal killings of peaceful protesters in Mandalay have uploaded on Facebook. These...
Read moreIn Mandalay, the military regime shot and killed civilians. Some of the People in Kachin state are being hunted and...
Read moreYou can copy without credits to our site. We Need Freedom.