Over 300 protesters protest at Times Square in New York, USA on March 20.The signboards say the campaigns such as...
Read moreDetailsImages of terrorist’s strangling a civilian’s neck with a rope. In the last phot, it can be seen that the...
Read moreDetailsThe police create the violence and used to announce that violence was created by the protesters.
Read moreDetailsStrike without people campaign in Nyaung Shwe, Shan State on March 12. Photos >>>> Credit
Read moreDetailsIt was a gunshot day. 3.3.2021. All photos are credited to original uploaders on social medias.
Read moreDetailsA demonstrator kneels as he protests against the military coup while riot police advance on a street as tensions rise...
Read moreDetailsPress Photo by Sit Htet Aung while a policeman ran towards him to hit with a police baton at Myaynigone,...
Read moreDetailsThe police is showing the rude sign (which mean "fuck you") to the protesters on February 26.
Read moreDetailsYou can copy without credits to our site. We Need Freedom.