Severe floods are occurring in Nay Pyi Taw, where the Military Council is headquartered. Nay Pyi Taw, Zeyathiri Township, The...
Read moreThe military council's forced recruitment of porters in many parts of the country has become very frightening. At present, there...
Read moreThe military council has drawn people not only from the country but also from abroad. These days, the Thai side...
Read moreSince the military council declared the TNLA MNDAA AA as terrorists, airstrikes have become increasingly indiscriminate against civilian targets in...
Read moreAfter China threatened the TLNA with a letter, it was seen that the pace of military action across the country...
Read moreThe coup military council is carrying out more airstrikes on civilians. At least 20 people, including pregnant women and children,...
Read moreThe terrorist army is losing everywhere, but there is one area where they are regaining the upper hand. That region...
Read moreRevolutionary groups fired stun missiles at the Mandalay Palace, where the military's Central Command is located. About 18 people, including...
Read moreImports will be allowed to be imported only if they have export earnings. The plan will include important medicines. The...
Read moreThe military council has unilaterally declared the three northern twin groups, MNDAA/TLNA/AA, as terrorist groups. Although this was announced, there...
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