After Mandalay, it is turn to Yangon. Today, the military terrorist group target to Yangon so that the city is...
Read moreDetailsJunta took forces Mandalay today. There are many civilian dead bodies because of their shooting with the real gun. Not...
Read moreDetailsThe terrorist military group attacked San Chaung the day before and the people around Yangon came out the road and...
Read moreDetailsThe decision of UNSC meeting come out today morning. Even a statement is passing by a week after their discussing,...
Read moreDetailsIt had been a day of unwholesomeness since early morning. As I wrote a few days ago, the insurgents launched...
Read moreDetailsTonight was one of those sleepless nights. Insurgents stormed the area and opened fire. They chased and threatened the night...
Read moreDetailsFive strong media outlets have had their licenses revoked. Is this the weapon of the rebels? They will be as...
Read moreDetailsThese days, the rebels had changed their tactics to suppress the population. The first was the schools, universities, hospitals in...
Read moreDetailsYesterday's closed-door UNSC meeting on Myanmar’s affair yielded no definite results. There was no issue a single statement even to...
Read moreDetailsIt was a day passed by the sound of gunfire. Gunfire erupted near my house. Peaceful protesters were crushed. Actually...
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