UNHCR and WFP join forces to distribute bags of rice to IDPs in Phekone and Hlawing Kaw on the Shan-Kayah...
Read moreDetailsThe NLD is no longer a member of the NUCC. There is no NLD representatives in NUCC when the medias...
Read moreDetailsBond contract is now silent. It has not been known for more than five days since Min Aung Hlaing house...
Read moreDetailsThe military council has announced that it will sell imported patrol on a quota basis. No matter how much they...
Read moreDetailsIn Meikhtila, a boy lost his arm when he was robbed while dating his girlfriend. In Mandalay, a motorcycle was...
Read moreDetailsRevenues from applications for fundraising for revolutionary groups have been falling since last month. What used to be more than...
Read moreDetailsFarmers in Irrawaddy Division are no longer able to grow monsoon paddy due to soaring prices of diesel and fertilizer,...
Read moreDetailsIn Thanlyin Township, south of Rangoon, the Military Council has issued a ban on motorcycles. The order was issued out...
Read moreDetailsFighting has been going on for about a week in Phekone on the Shan-Kayah border. Villages east of Moebyein were...
Read moreDetailsNUG announces judicial system in 15 townships in Sagaing Division. There have been no reports of support for the People's...
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