The arrests by the military council resulted in the suspension of several well-known supply groups for the revolution. The military...
Read moreThe military council released some prominent artists who had been wrongfully arrested. There have been frequent reports that they will...
Read moreAs expected, in Kayah State, the military council has taken control of the Nang Mae Khon area and is advancing...
Read moreA month has passed. The revolutionary situation is still stagnant. This is not a good sign. NUG said late last...
Read moreThe rebels stationed in Chinpon village retreated by helicopter. Villagers, including detained pre-school children, were released, but about 20 people...
Read moreRebels who stormed Chinpon village yesterday also captured about 40 children and pre-school teachers trapped in the village and turned...
Read moreThe military army has been bombing refugee camps in Dimoso, firing as soon as it sees a green roof in...
Read moreFighting intensified for a week in Kayah State, and today the military council seized the strategic territory of PDF-dominated royal...
Read moreRussia's aggression in Europe has sparked a major war with Ukraine. Normally, the war has nothing to do with us,...
Read moreThere have even been robberies on YBS buses in Rangoon. During the day, even in the noon was robbed on...
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