The military council has ordered the closure of 5 famous private hospitals in Mandalay by the end of December this year. The hospitals that were closed are Myo Daw, Nan Daw, Htet Nay Lin, Sein Pan and Kan Kaw. It is known that it will be closed for about 4 months. This order was issued after the military council arrested three health workers, including a specialist, from the hospitals in the past few days. Due to the actions of the military council, the employees also lost their jobs. Patients have become difficult.
On December 24, the military council arrested two female X-ray experts from the city hospital in civilian clothes. The next day, Dr. Win Khaing, a urologist and kidney specialist at the Palace Hospital, was arrested at gunpoint by pretending to be a patient. The two were arrested for allegedly supporting the People’s Defense Forces (PDF).
Among those strongly opposed to the military council, health workers from Mandalay were at the top, and it is known that health workers in the region make up to 80 percent of the CDM.