Fighting began between the military council forces and KIA and PDF near Phakant Township, Kachin State. Three military council soldiers were arrested by KIA, and the military army moved in with a force of about 200. In Kachin State, the Phakang region has already been plagued by fighting. Currently, around Phakant city, KIA and PDFs are in control and the military is no longer in control on the ground and is only doing aerial bombardment and heavy weaponry. They are yawning while punching the column.
Similarly, in Karen State, it is known that the military is preparing to launch an offensive in the areas of KNU Brigade 1 and Brigade 3. The famous 5th Brigade attacked three military council camps at the same time yesterday. Among them, they have captured one camp and are continuing to try to capture the remaining camps. In Karen State, where the fighting is going on every day, it is believed that KNU has gradually stepped up its war.