The military council has been on the offensive since early this year to retake Moe Bwe, which is located on the border of Shan State and Karenni State. Since the beginning of January, there have been fierce daily battles between the Karenni resistance forces and the military council forces in the area. The resistance forces have been holding out for more than a month. If the military council retakes Moe Bwe, it will be able to control the road to Loikaw without any obstacles, and from there it will be able to expand its military forces and threaten the town of Dimaw So and the east of the Thanlwin River, where the resistance forces have established a foothold. Both sides are desperately trying to control Moe Bwe. In Karenni State, not far from Nay Pyi Taw, the resistance forces can only face the military council on the defensive.