Nung Cho town in northern Shan State has been completely captured by TLNA forces. The Military Council’s last remaining drone battalion in the city retreated to an artillery emplacement about 15 miles south of the city. Therefore, Nungcho City became the first city to be captured in 1027 Operation Part 2. Since that city is only about 30 miles away from Pyin Oo Lwin, where the military universities are located, Pyin Oo Lwin can be well threatened.
Kachin State In Myitkyina, the water level of the Irrawaddy River has dropped. There were 10 deaths due to the river flood. Even though the Irrawaddy River has receded over the city of Myitkyina, it is threatening the towns along the river below. Van Mao in lower Kachin state and upper Sagaing region.