The AA has officially announced that it has begun attacking areas in Rakhine State and neighboring regions such as Magway Division, Bago Division, and Ayeyarwady Division. In Magway Division, the AA and local resistance groups are jointly attacking military council camps on the An Padan Road, in Bago Division, camps on the Taunggyi Road, and coastal areas in Ayeyarwady Division. In Magway Division, the resistance group was able to attack the military’s Ordnance Factory No. 21 with short-range missiles, causing damage. The factory is a factory that mainly produces air bombs. Previously, the resistance groups could not even approach these factories, but now they are threatening them.
In Ayeyarwady Division, the AA-held village of Baw Mi has been reduced to ashes by the military’s bombing. The military council troops are preparing a major defense in Shwe Thaung Yan town.