In Kachin State, the KIA was able to capture the two towns of Chiphue and Solaw in the northern part of the state. Those cities were conquered within 4 days of fighting. In those areas, there are not many military council troops and only the local Kachin People’s Army is present. The KIA is in a position to continue occupying other cities in the militia area. Those two cities became cities that could be captured by the revolutionary side after the 1027 Operation Part 2 offensive stopped. The 1027 operation has slowed down, but in Thipaw Township and Taungkham area, the TLNA and the military council forces are still fighting to take control of the area.Until now, there are 81 cities that can be occupied by the revolutionary forces in the whole country. Continuing this month, there is a good chance of capturing Maungdaw town in Rakhine State and Thipaw town in Shan North.