The KNU began attacking the last remaining Military Council garrison near Myawati, Khlara-275, today and has been resisting constant bombardment by Military Council aircraft. As a result of the bombing, houses in the neighborhoods of Myawati city and buildings in the highway car park were destroyed by fire. While the fighting between the military and the KNU joint forces was intense, the Karen BGF troops, formerly allied with the military council, closed the roads in and out of Myawati and patrolled the town. The friendship bridge to Thailand has been opened.
Due to these circumstances, almost all of the military council’s departmental mechanisms in Myawady City have been suspended, leaving only immigration open. Due to the intense fighting near the city, the people of the city are lining up on the bridges crossing to Thailand. The military council could bomb the city at any time for no reason. As for the KNU, if they get the city guard, they can say that they will be able to control Myawati town completely.