This morning, the revolutionary coalition groups opened a new war front to the military council. KIA/AA/PDF cooperated attacked four places at the same time. At the beginning, Khampa City Police Station, Rajgaro Police Station in Kale Township, At least four military bases, including Minywa Police Station in Ganggo Township, Magway Province, were captured by the resistance groups. In addition, fighting is raging in Kolin town in Sagaing province, and some people are trapped. In the fighting in the city of Kolin, the cooperative groups captured the city police station and the general superintendent’s office, and the political prisoners from the police station could be freed.
The shock waves of the 1027 operation have reached Sagaing. The military council, which has been heavily defeated in North Shan, is surrounded by crazy fire. It has already been proved by words and actions that the revolutionary forces will come in waves.