In Chin State, bomb dropped by a plane hit the temporary office of the Management Committee of Refugee Camps in Min Tat, injuring all the office staff. Two members of the group were seriously injured, while the rest were in a non-critical condition. An office computers, and all blankets and other consumer goods were destroyed. In the current situation, all the members are on the run and are receiving medical treatment. Although the office was damaged, the committee said it would continue to distribute food to help refugees.
The bombing of that camp was no accident. It was a deliberate attack by the military council. And that place was not a military target, but a temporary office of the Management Committee for Refugee Camps.
The incident happened in Myoung Township, Sagaing Region. The NUG Health Department managed a hospital where non-CDM employees of the military council in Myoung Township left and continued to provide health services to the local residents. But after the military council found out about the news, the hospital came and attacked with helicopters. Fortunately, the hospital was able to move the patients in time, so there were no deaths. Due to the lack of effective measures, the military council’s air force is repeatedly committing war crimes against civilians.