There is a fierce battle between the Military Council and the KNU troops near Asia Road between Kokreit and Myawadi in Karen State. Earlier this month, fighting broke out again after joint forces attacked the Military Council battalion headquarters in the city of Kokriat and wounded the Military Council troops. There were deaths of women and men from the military council camp due to the attack of the joint forces on that battalion. Due to the insufficient strength of the military council troops, soldiers and women were forced to carry arms and stand guard in the rear camps. As their rear battalion camps were attacked, the military council troops increased their strength and tried to clear the area. However, since that area is KNU territory, it did not grow as much as expected. Due to the fighting, Asia Highway was closed again. A bridge on the road has been scaled. Trucks and passenger cars are stuck. According to this, as the fighting in the area is getting more and more intense, the Thai-Myanmar border trade will often stop.