The shooting happened at Kin Mon Sa Khan at the foot of Kyeik Htee Yoh Pagoda, a famous pagoda in Mon State. Kin Mon Sa Khan is a gathering place for pilgrims who will start climbing Kyaik Htee Yoh. In a crowded place, the revolutionary forces sneaked in and opened fire on the military council troops who were deployed as human shields to the pilgrims. Three women from Yangon were killed and about 15 people were injured when the army fired indiscriminately into the crowd. The military council blamed the deaths on the PDFs as usual, but according to eyewitnesses, even after the battle ended, the army continued to shoot and kill civilians. At this point, no one believed anything the Military Council said.
This incident shows that during the revolutionary period when the country is in turmoil, it is not safe to go on a pilgrimage or an excursion. But according to the Burmese people’s customs, they still seek pleasure with their lives.