In some areas of Sagaing, public administration and defense groups have already collected taxes. NUG has released tax receipt forms. In the past, the defense teams in those areas used to check the roads regularly. Now the next step has come. If we can really pick up this step, we can get a lot of support for the revolution.
In Kayah State, the military council is attacking the town of Moebre, which is close to the Nay Pyi Daw. Residents of the city are fleeing because of heavy weapons firing in the city’s neighborhoods. The KNDF fought back and retreated the first time, but this time they tried to regain control, including about 400 armored vehicles.
The town of Mobre is at the entrance of Kayah State, and if the army controls it, it will be easy to send arms and supplies to the entire state, so they are attacking.