Yangon Region
· In Kyauktan Township, an unknown armed group opened fire at the administration office of the western ward on Friday evening. Than Zaw, the junta-appointed administrator, died in the incident. A 100-household leader and a policeman were injured.
· Amidst tight security measures, rallies from East Dagon and Sanchaung General Strike made a guerrilla protest in East Dagon Township, chanting for the downfall of the military dictatorship. After the protest, the junta armed forces arrived there and arrested at least two young people.
· The military junta has permitted Music Zone at the corner of Thumingala and Thayettaw streets in Thingangyun Township to reopen as before. It was closed under the NLD government. In the rent of that land, the military-backed USDP had gained profit of over 2000 lakhs.
· The military junta has been installing new CCTV cameras in the surroundings of Yuzana Plaza in Tamwe Township where there are frequent guerrilla protests against the military dictatorship.
· At about 2:30 pm Saturday, the junta armed forces on motorbikes shot at three young people on A1 street in Yuzana Garden City in Dagon Seikkan Township. Reportedly, the rear mirror of a near-by taxi got damaged and the three young people escaped. The reason for the shooting is still unknown.
· City taxi registration and extension for the taxies in Yangon has been suspended. According to YRTC, re-established by the military junta, those activities will be carried out again starting from 1st July, just with the requirement to bring the documents.
Mandalay Region
· The junta armed forces arrested former military officer Kyaw Swar Win at his house in Pyi Oo Lwin on 22nd June. He had been sent to prison for two years for signing in support of the amendments of the Constitution. Reportedly, they have been preparing to charge him with Section (505-a).
· At about 8:00 am Saturday, U Nyo Aye, regarded to be an informer to the military junta, was stabbed in 124 street (between 57 and 58 streets) of Yadanabone New City Ward (F) in Pyigyi Dagon Township. He was not accepted at the hospitals. Finally, he was sent to the military hospital inside the palace compound, but he died. The junta armed forces inspected motorbikes and cars around the scene.
· In memory of student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo who was hung 45 years ago, Mandala University students expressed their disapproval of the military dictatorship, holding sign boards – “March for the repayment of unpaid debt”.
· A rally of Aungmye Thazan Township Schools protested against the military dictatorship on Saturday morning.
· A rally of Mandalay-based Ta-Ka-Tha expressed their desire for the downfall of the military dictatorship.
· A rally of Man Ba-Ka-Tha, in cooperation with Basic Education General Strike Committee, went up to Thaitpan road in the downtown area of Mandalay and expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.
· A rally of Monks’ Union including Manlay Pyinyat monks take to the streets every day without fail and peacefully express their disapproval of the military dictatorship.
· A video regarding Mandalay has gone viral on social media. The video contains the members from Special Armed Forces (including some female members) catching PDF members at Arkar Min tea shop. According to a local resident who is a customer of the tea shop, they
didn’t hear of such news. The video included dialogue from female armed forces members and a man recording around with a movie camera.
· At about 4:15 pm Saturday, the junta armed forces raided Mandalay Myayi Nanda low-price housing with more than 10 police cars, military trucks and jail cars. Rumour has it that five young people were arrested. But a resident of the housing confirmed that it was just a part of television shooting, like the one at Arkar Min tea shop. The junta armed forces had raided the housing before as some protesters had been living there.
· According to a local resident of Mandalay, junta traffic policemen, together with speople in plain clothes, have been inspecting motorbikes, checking licenses and collecting fines at the east of the moat and at east palace traffic lights. However, the junta armed forces have been taking normal security measures on the other sides of the moat.
· It has been agreed to form an alliance with Mandalay Special Guerrilla Force, local PDFs from Magwe, Kyaukse, Sintkai and People’s Defence Force. If they fight against the junta armed forces in a township or a region, there will be attacks at the same time in other townships and regions.
· In memory of Chin student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo who was hung 45 years ago, Myingyan Technology University Students’ Union, in cooperation with the townspeople, expressed their desire for the end of the military dictatorship at crowded markets with the sign boards – “There must be war for peace”.
· Young residents of Moegoke made a guerrilla protest against the military dictatorship, holding signs – “Against fear”.
Bago Region
· In Paungte, the junta forestry department has been persuading the locals to plant trees by giving seedlings of teak and other hardwood trees free of charge.
· The military junta has been putting pressure on the GPs from private hospitals and clinics in Bago Region to give medical treatment at Bago General Hospital.
Ayeyarwady Region
· In Kyan-Khin, the military junta has issued a warrant to U Thant Sin Oo, father of two police brothers who were sentenced to a year in prison for protesting against the military dictatorship.
· In Myaungmya, the junta armed forces broke into the office of Compassionate Youth Organization, which has been in existence for 10 years on Saturday morning and destroyed the assets donated by the public.
Sagaing Region
· In Myintant village of Dipeyin Township, U Nwe Min, said to be an informer to the military junta, was shot dead by an unknown gunman at his house on Friday evening. His wife was stabbed and injured in her arm. In Nyaung Hla exemplary village, U Nu Tin, owner of Thazin Moe hardware shop and regarded as an informer to the military junta, was shot dead in his chest by two gunmen who pretended to be buyers.
· Amidst mobility restrictions due to COVID-19 transmitted cases, local residents of Kalay made a protest at dawn for the downfall of the military dictatorship.
· At about 1:30 pm Saturday, there were more than 60 military trucks from Gantgaw near Natchaung village. Reportedly, they headed towards Kalay.
· At about 8:30 pm Friday, the junta armed forces shot at two young people on motorbike near Fancy restaurant in Monywa. They were hit with bullets in the thigh and back respectively and died.
· In memory of Salai Tin Maung Win who was hung 45 years ago for his protest against the military dictatorship, Monywa people expressed their objection to the military dictatorship, raising the cloth banners with his words – “I’ll never kneel down before your army boots”.
· The rally comprising various villages from Butalin Township went round the villages and expressed their desire for the end of the military dictatorship.
· The rally of various villages from Yinmabin East and Salingyi North protested against the military dictatorship, holding the sign boards – “We will never kneel down under your army boots”.
· In Salingyi Township, Latbadaung Taung General Strike went round the villages and expressed their desire for the downfall of the military dictatorship.
· The junta armed forces destroyed the NLD office in Pale.
· At about 2:00 pm, military troop with 11 cars leaving Gantgaw shot at betel shop near Kukko Gone village at the entrance of Pale. They then took away a motorbike from that shop and proceeded to Monywa.
· Some armed people in three cars arrested Ko Di Myat Nyein, a journalist of Sagaing-based Zayar Times, at his house on Saturday morning. They also took away his phone and laptop as well as the phone and motorbike of his wife. They then tried to arrest another journalist in the same ward, but they didn’t find him there. So, they caught one of his family members as a hostage.
· In Tantsi Township, the youth went to the near-by villages and together with the villagers, they expressed their disapproval of the military dictatorship.
Magwe Region
· At about 8:00 pm Saturday, the junta armed forces arrested a 40-year-old man named Ko Myo Min Oo in Ohndaw (1) Ward of Taungdwingyi Township. Recently, that man had been arrested and released. He was arrested again.
· At about 1:00 am Saturday, the junta armed forces arrested Ko Maung Soe in Latpannwe village of Pwint Phyu Township, due to a report that he had weapons. They then raided the house of Ko Kyaw Naing Oo, who escaped from them as he was not at home. With the use of informers, the military junta has been conducting arrests in Pwint Phyu Township almost every day.
Taninthayi Region
· In Thayetchaung Township, young residents of Thayet Hnakwa village made a protest against the military dictatorship, holding signs – “We will never kneel down under your army boots”.
· A rally of Southern Dawei went round the town with motorbikes on Saturday morning and expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.
· Dawei Variety Forces protested against the military dictatorship and held an event in memory of Chin student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo who lost his life 45 years ago due to the military junta.
· A rally of Dawei General Strike, in cooperation with the rally of young students, expressed their disapproval of the military dictatorship, holding the photos of Chin student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo who was hung by the military junta 45 years ago.
· The youth in Dawei East expressed their desire for the downfall of the military dictatorship, holding the signs – “We will never kneel down before your army boots”.
· In Longlone Township, the junta armed forces opened fire to threaten a protest at Myakabat village on Friday evening. Around 7:00 pm, they carried out shooting again at the entrance of the village.
· In Longlone Township, there were protests from Maungmagan, Nyinmaw, Thingyun and Gadat Ngeseit villages respectively. They expressed their desire for an end to the military dictatorship, holding the signs in support of the NUG.
· The villages comprising Kyetyet Dwin, Pyinchaung, Mainmachaw and Natsinshaung in Longlone Township made a protest against the military dictatorship.
Kachin State
· At midnight Friday, 20 junta soldiers arrested a 60-year-old engineer named U San Lwin and his 20-year old son Ko Lin Lat Aung in Oatgyin Ward of Moenyin Township, due to the lies of the junta informers that the father and the son had carried explosives.
· In Chihwe Township, the military junta has been preparing to charge Nurse Lwam Ngel with Section (505-a). She was arrested because of a report by non-CDM staff members.
· KIA announced that on Lido road and in the waterways under the influence of KIA Regiment (45), all the vehicles are not to transport weapons, rations and soldiers of the military junta. The people are not to allow junta soldiers to rest, sleep or station at public and religious buildings. KIA also warned the public not to travel between 7:00 pm and 5:00 am.
· At about 1:00 pm Saturday, a boat carrying junta soldiers was attacked near Moetar village on its way to Shweku from Katha. Reportedly, the boat was damaged and docked at Hsin Gone Dine village. After the attack, the junta soldiers from that ship opened fire blindly at the surroundings.
Kayar State
· At about 7:30 pm Friday, a person was injured in the leg by stepping on a mine near the railway in Moepyel, the border of Shan-Kayar.
· At about 9:00 pm Friday, there was the shooting of ammunition for 15 minutes in Acre (500) Ward and Nambawwan in Lwaikaw. Some houses of the local residents were damaged. On Saturday morning, about 70 junta soldiers had been patrolling on foot in those areas.
Kayin State
· In Myawady District, 5 junta-appointed administrators and household leaders have been shot and assassinated since the military coup. They were said to be informers to the military.
· In Phaya Thonesu, the locals expressed their objection to the military dictatorship, raising Kayin flags and holding the signs – “The revolution must be successful”.
Chin State
· Near Shet village where there had been a battle between local CDF and the junta armed forces, a 13-year-old child was injured and died in the explosion of a mine set by the military, on 23rd June.
· On 16th June, Salai Tun Tun and his nephew Salai Tan Tan returned to Kalay from Phalan. On their way, they were arrested by the junta armed forces. So far, they have been out of touch with their family members.
· In memory of Chin student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo who was hung 45 years ago, the youth in Phalan protested against the military dictatorship, holding posters of his image.
· The junta armed forces have blocked Mindat-Matubi road. Therefore, rice is being sent to Matubi through Haka-Matubi road. Reportedly, the town-based army and the strategy army have been restricting rice transportation.
Mon State
· After the junta-appointed Naungbo village administrator was assassinated in Thahtone Township, Kun Pan Aung, Naungkala village administrator, and U San Yi, Winpa village administrator, have resigned from their positions.
· In Yay Township, Feature for Defense Forces FYDF has been established to fight against the military junta. · The youth in Paung Township made a guerrilla protest against the military dictatorship, holding the signs – “We will never kneel down before army boots”.
· Young residents of Mawlamyaing made a black-shirt campaign, wearing black shirts and holding posters- “We will never kneel down under army boots”.
Shan State
· In Thipaw, 43-year-old Ma Zar Zar Myo Aung was shot dead in the back of her head at about 6:30 pm Friday while she was at a funeral home. Her father was a retired soldier and she was said to be an informer to the military junta.
· The public from Thipaw Township made a “humanless protest” against the military dictatorship, with anti-junta words on colourful paper and envelopes.
· At about 7:30 am Saturday, 48-year-old Sai Yone was shot dead by two motorbikers at Naungpain market in Kyaukme Township.
· In Muse, the dead body of a man with a gunshot wound was found in a roadside drain of Swansaw Ward. It is still unknown who he was.
· Muse residents made an indoor strike against the military dictatorship, with anti-junta words.
· Lasho basic education students made a black shirt campaign in memory of Chin student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo who lost his life 45 years ago in the fight against the military dictatorship. They also wrote down his last words – “I’ll never kneel down before army boots”.
· The military junta dismissed 59 staff members of the Cooperative department in Shan State, including 20 officers, for joining the CDM.
Rakhine State
· According to the instruction, only the passengers in PPE will be allowed in Taunggoke-Manaung waterways for the protection of COVID-19.
· On 24th June, U Kyaw Than Hlaing, the former chair of Rakhine Youth Association in Japan, was arrested at the airport.
Nay Pyi Taw
· The NUG said in the press conference that they had received over 400,000 emails as evidence to sue the military junta at International Criminal Court – ICC.
Summary on 26th June
· In Yangon, there were still guerrilla protests against the military dictatorship and some young people were arrested. The junta armed forces have been shooting youth as they make chase. After the news came out that the second leader of the military junta was in Yangon and he would go to Gabar Aye pagoda, there were a large number of security forces and secret patrols in Kamayut, Pyi road, Inlya road and Gabar Aye road.
· In Mandalay, there were public protests even on the roads in downtown area as well as informer-clearance cases. The junta armed forces continue to patrol in the city with just a few members. They made a video shooting containing the special security force arresting PDFs and protesters. They have been arresting people on motorbikes rather than in cars and through that action, they have been trying to put pressure on the motorbike protests.
· In big towns and villages of other states and regions, the public’s protests were still ongoing with great momentum. Despite the ceasefire by the PDF in Lwaikaw of Kayar Township, the junta armed forces kept firing in the wards.
· The military junta has been confronted with a great loss due to ethnic armed organizations and the PDFs. To counter the narrative, they have been making videos with fake stories. They have faced some pressure because of the UN’s decision to countries not to sell weapons to the junta. There are frequent mobilizations of their troops in the country due to local battles. They have been trying to resume the operation of the special economic zones with the excuse that it is good for the economy. They have also reopened the suspended activities of registration.
Source – Mizzima News