“U Aye Ko could not run after being shot. At that time, the soldiers said they would shoot again if he isn’t dead. They dragged U Aye Ko into the fire where the tires were burning. ”

Interview with an eyewitness in Mintayekin from Mandalay Aung Myay Thar San Township

Question : A man was reportedly burned alive by the military. Did this really happen?
Answer: : Of course. That is what happened in our area. I think we have to explain the process from beginning to end.
On the morning of March 27, the Aung Myay Thar San strike was held at 19th Street. Demolition started at 89th Street. They (The military) also came and fired at around 3 pm.
At night, at 8:45 pm (March 27), the fire broke out at the Min Tae Ekin Ward office. As the fire broke out, the army opened fire on them.
We are on guard as usual. At that moment, they opened fire and all of them ran away. There, U Aye Ko ran and hit the gun.
With a shotgun, Aye Ko could not run. At that moment, the soldiers told themselves to shoot him again if he isn’t dead. Then they dragged U Aye Ko into the fire where the tires were burning.
Question : So he was not dead when they dragged him into the fire?
Answer: : Yes. Not dead yet. He is still trying.
Question : Do you know exactly where the cremation took place? Please answer on time. Did the community help at that time?
Answer: : They kept firing, and all the people had to turn off the lights and keep quiet. If they come out swearing, they will shoot. I was screaming all the time about being shot in the head. I think it is about ten o’clock.
They fired so loudly that everyone in the community came to help, and all of them were knocking in the dark.
Question : Please tell us more about U Aye Ko?
Answer: : He is around 40 years old. He have four children. He works in a bakery. He is on guard for the safety of the community. The guard was shot dead and burned alive.

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Credit to original uploader.