In Myanmar’s state-run media these days, security forces are occasionally portrayed as “someone working hard day and night for the...
Read moreDetailsIn its latest attempt to stifle workers’ protests, the military regime has given striking workers in several cities an ultimatum:...
Read moreDetailsMyanmar’s military regime has dismissed a total of 56 staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) who have gone...
Read moreDetailsAt least eight people, including a 14-year-old boy and two rescue workers, were killed at a low-cost housing complex in...
Read moreDetailsPolice have successfully pressured some people living in Yangon’s outskirts into registering the names of people staying in their homes...
Read moreDetailsThe junta’s armed forces raided Nwe Aye ward in Yangon’s Dawbon Township on Tuesday morning, with locals reporting that they...
Read moreDetailsSoldiers opened fire on people in Yangon’s Thaketa Township on Saturday, killing a 15-year-old boy and injuring one woman. The...
Read moreDetailsThree members of the Yangon-based Thukha Kari humanitarian charity, including its chairwoman, were detained by the security forces in Hlaing...
Read moreDetailsWith the deaths of a high school student and the mother of three children, the total number of civilians slain...
Read moreDetailsThe junta’s armed forces shot and killed a protester in Monywa, Sagaing Region, on Sunday morning as a crowd of...
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